Mount Airy Farm by Lacey R Butler

The venue’s reflecting pond is often still and perfectly glassy, but we had a nice breeze that day, keeping everything the perfect temperature. Frankly, this year has been high on the alt-weather and I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I’m just grateful it was dry! What a stunning day,!

We (Videographer, one of Rachael’s cousins and myself, maybe the groom too?!) gasped when her dress did this amazing swoop, perfect for a twirl. What a charming bride!

The goodboy himself, making sure all is right in their world. <3

The couple met… at a park, for real. Rachael’s dog truly was a ring bearer, paving the way to a conversation that led to romance.. and now he is a family VIP for sure.

The bride brushing tears away at the private first look, pre ceremony. A joy to witness their mutual bliss!


The flowers were done by an amazing team.. I will add the name here when I get it. And the Videographer was pretty easy to work with, something that cannot be said for all (and yes I know they say it about photographers, we do the same thing in a way and want the same space and it’s a challenge sometimes. A relief to work with a videographer that was patient and let me lead and then I let him do what he needed to and politely didn’t use my flash so he could not freak out about the light ruingin his shots.

This wedding absolutely blew me away. For one thing, as it’s at an AirBnb, and small key elopement, I expected… what I’ve seen before which is a very quiet large dinner part type thing where I almost feel like a guest myself, chatting, mingling and taking photos of guests. This was not. This was a full fledged miicro-wedding with friends and loved ones. I think the nearest of the dearest, for sure, those that they know will always be in their corner, supporting them. The idea that so much love and support are available to them within their own families is amazing to me.


PHOTOGRAPHY: Lacey Renae Photography

Videography: Weddings by LDF (Matthew)

STRING QUARTET: Stephanie Quinn Music

CATERING: Cracker Jack Chef

CAKE: Kristie Van Winkle

FLORISTS: Kristie Van Winkle, Emily Creel and Anna Vermuth

VENUE: Mount Airy Farm

Thank you to the newlyweds, the vendors and their guests for what became one of my most favorite weddings to date. I can’t wait to see and hear about them more.. and now I go back to the editing!

<3 Best wishes!

Proposal at Sunset by Lacey R Butler

This amazing couple! I am so behind in sharing my work but guess who is getting married this weekend and I get to be their photographer?! Yep. These two!

Not only does this image have sincere emotion in the moment, but check out that sky! When you see alternate weather, keep in mind that bright light can be harsh on humans and washes everything out! And also the sky holds TEXTURE with clouds. I’m about it.

Rachael was given a bouquet AND an amazing ring!!

Personally love this. Do you? It’s a dream….

happy dog is going to be at the wedding too! I’m so excited to work with another amazing puppers!

NC Arboretum by Lacey R Butler

The first thing I learned this day is that my weather app is about the least reliable in the history of ever. I parked a couple blocks up to walk over to the hotel for getting ready shots only to find out it was not in fact going to be a clear day for a garden wedding at the Arboretum for Loren and Allan. I for sure was way more upset about walking in the rain to my car then Loren would show the entire day. Not only beautiful but seriously… I think she was marrying Allan because she loves him and could not care less about the weather or where they did it. I never saw her show any feelings about the weather for one second! I was so moved by that.

I know, I don’t post for months and months (feels like a year) and then wham, two in one week. It’s funny how I love actually documenting weddings, working with the people and witnessing all the emotions.. but working the business end has never been my forte. I don’t dig trying to BE hired or finding clients or any aspect of operating my own business other than having no boss. Kinda ironic. But at the end of the day I try very hard to provide creative, timeless images that show authentic relationship dynamics, artistically using the provided lighting when possible and supplimenting when I have to.. like this wedding, mostly indoors.

I love these.. is this Lisianthis? SO perfect.

You know what, maybe absolutely nothing in life can be predicted with any certainty. We just have to roll with what we get and make the best of it, and live life to the fullest. I absolutely LOVED this wedding because of the attitudes of everyone who was present- the staff at the Arboretum also worked so hard to help things flow naturally. And to the lovely officiant.. I still have your brolly’s…

Sky Retreat by Lacey R Butler

The weather corrected itself twice on August 7th at Sky Retreat, up near Boone, NC. Jordan and Abbi were able to move their chairs back down to the helipad area for the ceremony without a raindrop touching down- which I would not have guessed given the blustering sideways rain pummeling the groom during the first look. He didn’t bat an eye, no kidding!

And then again later for the scheduled sunset photos- just when we’d said ok, we won’t get a sunset sky, the clouds again parted and pinks and purples and golds sang across the sky. It was, no kidding.. just dreamy.

Cannot beat this view, the storm clouds tucking in like they are ready to nap and all the while they highlight those mountain tops. Could not be happier with this view!

In writing, they have a saying… “Kill your darlings” and though many have said it I think of it like the opposite of the iceberg method- I’m just putting it all on the table here. I think about should I delete this image but then I’m like, no, little image I have made, go be weird and see if they love you anyway.

Thank you for allowing me the chance to create with you and witness your love! I am grateful for a good vendor team- I will have to add the name of the videographer soon as I find the card he gave me.

Sky Retreat was a gorgeous view! I would recommend it for a destination wedding with modern landscaping, stunning open areas, perfectly maintained hydrangea, and quaint cabins for your guests to stay onsite.

Proposal on the parkway in winter by Lacey R Butler

A very real moment for these two..

Taking advantage of the road closure.

I know, it doesn’t match the vibe of the other images but backlighting in early morning is this color. I try to do natural tones and I think it’s pretty beautiful. What do you think?

Not saying you should or I would…. but I did and you could.

Seriously want to be her friend- a chick that wears faux fur teddy bear coat hiking? heck yeah!!

In all the universes, I’d choose you. In any life, I’d choose you. Every day, I choose you.

…I”m lost in a moment here. If you would like to do a natural surprise proposal for the love of your life, PLEASE reach out. I’m happy to help coordinate it, I’m very flexible and I’m clearly in love with celebrating your life. xoxo

Micro-wedding at Stone Ashe Vineyards by Lacey R Butler

I ADORED this couple and this venue. Stone Ashe Vineyards is located in the rolling hills beyond Fletcher, NC and Hendersonville. One of those spots just out of the city but so unusual to get to you wonder if you’re actually going the right way. The grounds were perfect, the staff so helpful.. and best of all the newlyweds brought joie de vivre. My favorite vivre of all.

As per usual I’m showing you a cross hair of the collection- details, happy smiles, moody looks. The wine was overflowing, the bees a-buzzin at work, and the couple generous enough to share a drink with me. Thank you for everything, V and J!

The goodboys on the property, by the way, were coersed to do this. They are totally obviously uncomfortable with me posing them looking like they want cake. Just… for the record. I still like this idea though.

This single lady made the amazing cake. Let me see if I can find her info… nope. Please reach out if you know! After a year I have no idea anymore. It was so amazing. I think out of Maryland.

Hi my name is Lacey and I’m a wedding photographer and I took this photo. And also black and white is the best.

I only had a few sips before someone <strike>stole</strike> absconded with my wine which was fair because I “borrowed” theirs for a photo op and then the staff cleaned it up. My bad.

Wine tastings for your group, amazing charcuterie, attentive staff, the view. Did I mention the view? We were supposed to leave for another location for portraits but the couple was having too much fun to leave and this was at least as beautiful anyway.

I couldn’t resist one more image as I drove back home. Always so bittersweet to go, but so happy to have been there a few moments of your life together. <3 Lacey

Bachelorette Party by Lacey R Butler

I’m going to be trying to catch up on events I didn’t get to share last year. This was an unusual one for me! The Maid of Honor arranged a witchy vibe Bachelorette party in the mountains. Everything lined up, the clouds lifted, the sun absolutely graced us, and the girls had fun! We basically had to trip back down the mountain in the dark with about 50 other people.

bachelorette party photo

There were a ton more pictures, to include individuals and small group images but these are my favorite. I also try to do portraits but also some more realistic images of people being fun and funny and themselves and I think we did that here. What do you think?

Hunter and Kirstin | My son eloped!! | Asheville NC by Lacey R Butler

I have been so busy I forgot to show off my OWN son getting married to the gorgeous entrepreneur, potential future mother of my grandbabies, and all around type A go-getter that our family needs. I’m so happy for them.

I cannot imagine anything more difficult than photographing your own child’s wedding. Talk about wanting everything to go perfectly! Going through these has been rewarding, though. Despite this or that thing I wish I’d done differently (like making sure we’d get to the mountains in time for sunset… I realized that it’s unlikely anyone has these exact same sunset pictures in a field with the very distant mountains behind them. It is unlikely anyone had my vision to even make that last ditch effort for portraits. It is also so rewarding to see the way they look at one another.

They met in grade school, started dating in high school, attending college together, lived together right away, and of course… 5 years later, it was time, they said, to seal it. To tie the knot.

The elopement grew as Kirstin had more offers for homemade this or that, and added touches like her Grandma’s veil (which my son tried to put on her when it fell off during their first look, above. Boys! Haha! So cute). When I was asked to photograph their elopment, my son said, “I know you said you’d never do mine or Miya’s (my other child) wedding photos, but Kirstin says you’re her first choice”. I toyed with not doing it-purely for selfish reasons. I wanted to look good in photos and relax. But then decided to go for it-this was the first thing my new daughter was asking of me, I couldn’t say no. It was very flattering and I was very proud of them.

The number of people present grew to a size that begs the question, what is an elopement, exactly?
Possibly more of a destination micro-wedding.. my daughter/Hunter’s sister surprised us all by driving through at the exact moment of the ceremony, K’s family was all there.. we had cake, we had food, we had family pictures at Looking Glass. It was such a day! My heart is full.

The interior of the court house is all art deco. Stunning, dark but stunning.

Every time I’ve had an elopement at the courthouse, it’s been this same judge. I told him last time, you married my son… and he said I did? and we both laughed because I had worded it just a tad odd. He was kind enough to say he remembered me. :)

My daughter, K, Hunter, and me! This dress was switched out soon after for a pant suit.. I just wanted to look nice for a few pics during the ceremony. I’m just glad I don’t look as… I felt. Which was full of emotion and also anxiety and that ongoing need to keep pushing to the next thing for the sake of time.

In a moment of genius I used the car lights because we were rapidly running out of light. Time goes by too fast.

I personally think they look really really ridiculously good looking (say that like Zoolander, please).

Definitely feel like I am sharing my own memories with you. Welcome to a bit of my own world! I’m so very blessed. Love my family!