
Mount Airy Farm by Lacey R Butler

The venue’s reflecting pond is often still and perfectly glassy, but we had a nice breeze that day, keeping everything the perfect temperature. Frankly, this year has been high on the alt-weather and I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I’m just grateful it was dry! What a stunning day,!

We (Videographer, one of Rachael’s cousins and myself, maybe the groom too?!) gasped when her dress did this amazing swoop, perfect for a twirl. What a charming bride!

The goodboy himself, making sure all is right in their world. <3

The couple met… at a park, for real. Rachael’s dog truly was a ring bearer, paving the way to a conversation that led to romance.. and now he is a family VIP for sure.

The bride brushing tears away at the private first look, pre ceremony. A joy to witness their mutual bliss!


The flowers were done by an amazing team.. I will add the name here when I get it. And the Videographer was pretty easy to work with, something that cannot be said for all (and yes I know they say it about photographers, we do the same thing in a way and want the same space and it’s a challenge sometimes. A relief to work with a videographer that was patient and let me lead and then I let him do what he needed to and politely didn’t use my flash so he could not freak out about the light ruingin his shots.

This wedding absolutely blew me away. For one thing, as it’s at an AirBnb, and small key elopement, I expected… what I’ve seen before which is a very quiet large dinner part type thing where I almost feel like a guest myself, chatting, mingling and taking photos of guests. This was not. This was a full fledged miicro-wedding with friends and loved ones. I think the nearest of the dearest, for sure, those that they know will always be in their corner, supporting them. The idea that so much love and support are available to them within their own families is amazing to me.


PHOTOGRAPHY: Lacey Renae Photography

Videography: Weddings by LDF (Matthew)

STRING QUARTET: Stephanie Quinn Music

CATERING: Cracker Jack Chef

CAKE: Kristie Van Winkle

FLORISTS: Kristie Van Winkle, Emily Creel and Anna Vermuth

VENUE: Mount Airy Farm

Thank you to the newlyweds, the vendors and their guests for what became one of my most favorite weddings to date. I can’t wait to see and hear about them more.. and now I go back to the editing!

<3 Best wishes!