Pretty Place Chapel / by Lacey R Butler

If I were to marry again.. it might be at a spot like this. Sure, if I knew it wasn’t going to rain or I could afford some light rain on my wedding day… I’d go with a flower farm with a view. Hands down. But this…

Pretty Place is an affordable spot with a to-die for view that offers abundant shelter for the ceremony. So if it did rain.. you’d be set. You’d still have the view, the open air feeling.. Perfect elopement spot, too! There’s a certain innocent vibe; Austin told me when he was a boy he and his friends and cousins would be there. Imagine how surreal to have those memories and then to be…marrying at that very same spot.

Pretty Place Chapel wedding ceremony
Bride dressing with bridesmaids
Pretty Place Chapel Ceremony Wedding

It’s pretty rare, but sometimes the best man DOES forget the ring. It made for a nice lighthearted moment.

Forgot the rings groomsmen

The only thing I thought but didn’t say at their event (and it’s now some months later so I guess I feel like they probably will never see this although I’m sure he knows…) that the groom looks like Bradley Cooper. Do you see it? Hello Dopelganger! I wonder if it’s true that we all have one…somewhere in the world.

If you’re wondering about this particular photo, the groom had just picked up his bride and lifted her over a particularly steep step. Side note: if you have a fear of heights tell me before we get to the ledge.

husband and wife pretty place

Such a gorgeous couple- love them! Also fun and easy going. I’m excited for their new family!

I have a theory that love and laughter are essential to make it work.

I would LOVE to have a reason to go there again! If you’re interested in visiting this spot with me, here is the link: Pretty Place Chapel Call me for your elopement or session! 828.777.6186!